A Log Home Builders’ Secret is Q8 Log Oil®
One Product, Multiple Applications.
For years, log and wood home builders have been selling our EPA registered - (EPA REG. NO. 81819-1) - Q8 Log Oil to their homeowners because they know it works! By protecting their customer’s investment they ensure a happy homeowner long into the future! Log & wood home builders also add our NBS 30 insect repellent to stop carpenter bees in their tracks.

Stain and protect your deck the same day you build it.
For years, log & wood home builders have been selling our EPA registered - (EPA REG. NO. 81819-1) - Q8 Log Oil to their homeowners because they know it works! By protecting their customer’s investment they ensure a happy homeowner long into the future! Log home builders also add our NBS 30 botanical insect repellent to stop carpenter bees in their tracks.
Other Stains and Seals

With Q8 Log Oil: